Baskavigin is a documentary about the slaying of the basque whalers in Iceland

Baskavigin The Slaying of the Basque Whalers


In April 1615, three Basque whalers set sail from the port of San Sebastian, headed for the freezing waters of Iceland. Eighty-six sailors ready to traverse the North Atlantic in search of precious whale blubber, who never could have imagined they would become the protagonists of the second biggest crime in a country’s history.

400 years later, historians, geographers and novelists come together in this documentary to shed light on a bloody episode in which 31 Basque men died at the hands of the Icelandic peasantry. Their ships never returned to the port of San Sebastian.


Documentary feature

Co-production with:

Euskaltel TV
Seylan Films

  • Old Port Films feature documentary Baskavigin the slaying of the basque whalers
  • Largometraje documental
  • Largometraje documental coproducido con Eitb, Euskaltel TV, RUV TV, y Seylan Films
  • Largometraje documental coproducido con Eitb, Euskaltel TV, RUV TV, y Seylan Films
  • Largometraje documental coproducido con Eitb, Euskaltel TV, RUV TV, y Seylan Films